/ Breath of Fire \

Just give me them all please
Song List
- Aqua
- Arad
- Battle 1
- Battle 2
- Nina Flies
- Bleak
- Boss
- Castles
- Caves
- Credits
- The Dark Dragons
- Dragon Heart
- Dragon Shrine
- Dragon Training
- Drogen
- Dungeons
- Ending
- Fishing
- Fishing - You Lose
- Fishing - You win
- Forest
- Houses
- Intro 1
- Intro 2
- Recieved Special Item
- New Member of the Party
- Final Bosses
- Level Up w/ Fanfare
- Fanfare
- Overworld 1
- Overworld 2
- Overworld 3
- Party Time!
- Prima
- Ominous Moment
- Romero
- Sadness
- Scande
- Scande Tower
- Shops
- Sleepy Time
- Success!
- Title Screen
- Regular Town
- Training Complete
- Tunlan
- Under the Sea
- Winlan
- The Mighty Zog