Welcome to JippyKid's Mario RPG FAQ v1.2! Here is the updated version of the Mario RPG Super FAQ, which I wrote just eight short hours after the first version. I went back to playing Mario RPG and realized I forgot a handful of stuff! Here is the new version, with the extra information included. I never really intended to write this, but I posted a 3 part mini FAQ in the Mario RPG folder at the Nintendo site, and I got so many encouraging responses to finish what I started, that I decided to do just that. After a little research in the same folder to find the few things I was missing, I went to work. And here is the outcome of my labors! Chapter 1- Frequently Asked Questions Chapter 2- Boss Strategies Chapter 3- Hidden Chests Chapter 4- Items, and what they do Chapter 5- Surprises CHAPTER 1 - FAQ I've tried to avoid completely spoiling the answers. So, I've set up the questions in forms of hints. If you still can't find the answer after reading the hints, I have the answers listed after the the questions. 1. WHAT IS THE PASSWORD ON THE SHIP? It is a six letter word, with one s. It consists of four consonants, and two vowels. There are at least two consonants next to each other. It lies on the ocean floor. The R comes before the L. The vowels are next to each other. WHY WON'T THE WORD COME OUT RIGHT WHEN I PUT IT IN? When you put the letters into the boxes, the order is in a U-shape, starting with the upper left hand box, and ending with the upper right hand box. 2. WHAT IS THE ORDER OF THE PICTURES IN BOOSTER TOWER? Remember, the pictures are already listed on the first floor of Booster Tower. If you have trouble remembering them, try this-- one looks like an artist, another like a baseball player, another like a pirate, another with shades on, another like a... teacher, and the other like Wario. 3. HOW DO I GET THE KEY IN MONSTRO TOWN? That Thwomp might help. Think earthquake.' 4. HOW DO I OPEN THE SEALED DOOR IN MONSTRO TOWN? Another time, another place, another town, you got something that might help. Of course, you needed to do a little wheelin and dealing for it... and if you did, I hope you didn't give it away for something stupid like.. a CARBO COOKIE! 5. WHERE IS THE CASINO? The game was so ultimately vague on this one, I doubt anyone could have found it by themselves. First, get the Bright Card. Then, find the Gold Chomp. Fight it, and then run away from it. When you come back to the map screen, you should be standing on top of the Chomp. Jump on the wall, and walk around, then jump on the chomp again. Run away again. Now, face the left wall, and jump. With luck, a gold step will show up. This is your ticket to Grate Guy's casino. (If you can't find Bright Card or Gold Chomp, they will be listed under the answers.) 6. WHERE ARE THE FLAGS? One is behind a wooden rose... when you think of roses, especially in this game, what comes to mind. There has to be SOMEPLACE in Mario's World that has a lot to do with roses... One is under a green bed... okay, that is vague. I was pretty proud of myself when I solved this riddle. You just have to think.. where would be the last place you would look? I mean, who's bed would be SOOOO obvious, you wouldn't even think of looking under it? One is between an O and an A... I'll tell you right now, the O and the A they are hidden between are pretty large. Think... Finish.' 7. WHERE ARE THE FERTILIZER AND SEED? The seed is simple enough to find. It's a fast growing seed, right? Well, where have you seen the fastest growing plants? That ShyGuy gardener must know something you don't. The fertilizer is a bit more of a shot in the dark. Again, the ShyGuy gardener is hiding something. He's probably hanging around Nimbus Land after his embarrassing encounter with you. He's flying, right? Well, maybe you should try some of that flying stuff yourself... 8. WHAT SONGS ARE THERE TO PLAY AT MELODY BAY? The first one is Frogfucious's #18 suite. The aspiring tadpole will tell you. The second is the Moleville blues. The same tadpole will give you the story. The third is the Monstro Star's Dancing tune. You have to decipher the notes yourself. A tip-- the first three notes are La Ti Do. 9. WHAT IS THE POINT OF THE FORTUNES IN BELOME'S TEMPLE? Getting different fortunes at different times? Some goods await you if you get all fortunes. Just how do you get the different fortunes? That isn't too complicated... 10. WHERE IS THE PRINCESS'S CROWN? Maybe the wrong person is wearing it? 11. HOW DO I WIN THE BEETLE MANIA GAME BOY GAME? You don't. Just use it to take some stress out every now and then. 12. WHERE DO I GET THE BOMB IN THE MINES? Aim high. 13. HOW DO I GET THAT CHEST ON THE SECOND FLOOR OF BOOSTER TOWER? The see saw, of course. That Bob-omb isn't giving you much push, though. Perhaps if you could.. create some extra force. 14. HOW DO I GET PAST THE SNIFIT BANGING INTO THE DOOR AT THE CHAPEL? Didn't you listen to what he told you? 15. HOW CAN I GET PAST THE LOGIC PUZZLE IN BOWSER'S KEEP? Make a chart and write down a systematic plan for each event, each character, and what they may or may not have placed. Listen to the clues carefully, and think to yourself. 16. HOW DO I PUT THE SONGS INTO THE MUSIC? Talk to Toadofsky. He knows all.. about music. 17. HOW DO I GET THROUGH THE FOREST MAZE? Someone has to know the way... if you could just tail him! If in doubt, go right. ANSWERS: 1. PEARLS 2. In order from left to right-- 4 5 3 6 2 1 3. Talk to the Thwomp until he says something different. He'll do a super leap, and knock the key over. 4. Bring a Shiny Stone along, which you get by trading Fireworks, which you get by paying 500 coins to a Mole in Moleville. 5. The Bright Card can be found by returning to Booster's Tower and challenging Knife Guy to a game of "Which Hand Is It In?" Win 13 times, and get yourself a Bright Card. The Golden Chomp is in one of the pipes where the Piranas grow in Land's End. 6. One is behind the Rose insignia at Rose Town. Another is under Mario's Bed in Mario's Pad. The last one is between the O and the A in GOAL at Yo'sters Island. 7. The seed is at the end of Bean Valley, after you beat the large Pirana boss. Check out the note. The fertilizer is found by walking off the map on the east side in Nimbus Land. Bring them to the gardener in northern Rose Town. 8. Suite #18- So La Mi Re Do Re Do Re Moleville Blues- Mi Do So Do Re La Ti Do (Mole Song) Star Song- La, Ti, Do, Re, So, Do, Re, Mi 9. Every different order you hit the statues in gives you a different fortune. Each fortune leads to different places. 10. Jump on Booster's Head. 11. Try and beat my score... 3,220,356.. without turbo! Just wait for a bunch of shells to get on the screen and let loose! If it builds enough, you'll get 9999 for every shell that explodes! 12. Try jumping on the spring. Croco will steal your coins. Chase him, and kill him. Before you get him, however, go after his three cronies. Each one is hiding behind something. Each one will also be carrying a Flower Tab! 13. Find your way to the ledge on the second floor with the long drop off. JUMP off the edge and onto the see saw. To line your self up, stand on the lower right hand square of the checkerboard. When you jump, go barely one block distance, and you should hit. This chest will give you the MASHER.. very nice hammer which will last you a long time. 14. Run in synch with him, into the door. If you both hit the door at the same time from the same distance, it will open. You'll have to do it again with Bowser. 15. Whoever says they outrode someone in the bike race got 1st. Whoever says they fell into 4th in the bike race got 2nd. Whoever says 2 people beat them in the Marathon got 3rd. Whoever says they got 3rd in swimming came in last. 16. The music staff for Toadofsky's melodies is a bit confusing... it doesn't start with DO on the bottom! The order of the notes, from bottom to top is this-- 1. Mi 2. Re 3. Do 4. Ti 5. La 6. So 7. Fa If you want an easier way of composing music, just decode the notes into numbers. You'll have an easier time putting them in, most likely. 17. Follow Geno through most of it. If you get to a part where you miss which direction he went to, he probably went right. Either that, or up. Chapter 2 HAMMER BROS. Be on at least level 2. Jump on each one's head once, then hit each one once. They'll be Down, Lickety Split. CROCO For your first round, cast FIRE ORB with Mario. It will stun Croco for the first round, as he douses his tail fire. Then, just concentrate on straightforward battle, with a few spells. Make sure you have enough supplies to heal yourself if you start getting wailed on. MACK First round, cast lightning with Mallow to get rid of the bodyguards. This will also stun MACK for the first round. Attack with Mario and Mallow, and if there is healing to be done, use Mallow. When Mack spits some more bodyguards out, use thunderbolt to get rid of them again. Mack will keep spitting them out, but if you keep using thunderbolt, they won't have a chance to attack. Mack should eat it before you run out of magic. BELOME Not too difficult, as long as your levels are on par. Just continue to bruise him, and keep your HP to a decent amount. Make sure to have adequete supplies. BOWYER Bowyer is kind of a pushover, that is, unless he continually locks your A key. If he does lock your A key, use magic. Don't waste magic attacks on him unless your A key is locked. Geno's beam works well on him. If you're feeling lucky, Mario's jump can do some decent damage. PUNCHINELLO Hurt him hard and fast, and he will fall easily. For his first wave of bombs, just use Mallow's thunderbolt to get rid of them. For the second wave, ignore the bombs and go after Punchinello. Do the same for the third round, but watch your HP, as the bombs here are a bit more threatening. Use some magic to hasten his defeat in the later rounds. KNIFE GUY & GRATE GUY Pick em off one at a time. I always start with Knife Guy. If you hit hard and fast, you can kill off Knife Guy right after they team up, and before they can cast a combination spell. THE CAKE Keep hitting the cake and ignore the cooks for the first round. When the cake comes to life, keep smacking it to blow the candles out. When the candles are blown out, give it one or two more smacks, and it should lose its layering. Concentrate on attacking the cake at this point, and don't get too excited if it casts SandStorm and frightens all your characters.. you should still be able to come out on top. SQUID The best party for this is Mario, Geno, and Princess. Defeat the tentacles one at a time. If you feel like you can afford the magic, use the timed attack with Geno Whirl (Read Below) to knock off one tentacle in one hit. Use the princess to heal ailments, frightened in particular. When you get to the big squid himself, pick off the tentacles first. Then, use your basic attack strategies to get rid of the squid. JOHNNY Best party-- Mario, Mallow, Princess. Pick off the Blue Capped sharks first. Mallow's Thunderbolt will help immensly with this chore. Then, slam Johnny with basic attacks until he GETS TOUGH. When the one on one starts, just hammer Johnny, and use a mushroom if you need it. If Mario's power isn't where you'd like it quite yet, jumps and fireballs will get the job done. Johnny's magic will be much less threatening if you equip Mario with the Amulet. YARDOVICH A problem boss for many, Yardovich can be a threat. I prefer Mario, Princess, and another ally of your choice. Equip Princess with the Safety Ring, Mario with the Amulet, and the other with another relic that helps against magic, perhaps the Safety Badge. Yardovich's water blast spell can be downright nasty, so have the princess ready to group hug. Keep your Flower Points high! If Yard splits, find the image that you can hurt the least-- that is the real Yardovich! Concentrate on mean physical abuse, mostly with straight attacks, until Yard gives in. SUPER PIRANA Not too bad, just use the same old tactics. Mallow and Princess help. Again, Mallow's thunderbolt, or Snowy by now, is a big help when there are a lot of little pirana to pick off. Geno can also get the job done. BIRDO A bit too easy. But for some fun, try timed defending when she spits and egg... VALENTINA You can't really pick a party for her, because Dodo will steal one of your allies! However, you should put a more powerful ally in the 2nd spot, either Geno or Bowser, because that is who Dodo usually takes. Killing Dodo is no biggie-- just keep your HP at a decent level and concentrate on physical attacks. VALENTINA can be a bit more of a pain when teamed with Dodo. Unless your characters are high in physical defense, try and scare off Dodo first. If you're feeling a little weak, Geno Boost will help you out in this fight. CZAR DRAGON His first form is easy.. no body's business. His second form is a bit more threatening, with powerful fire attacks. Keep Mario and the Princess in again, and pull in someone else with high defense. Make sure that you have powerful accessories on those in the party. AXEM RANGERS First things first, pick off the Pink Ranger. You'll know she's a goner when she starts whining about her make up. Then, go directly for the Red Ranger. Without the Pink Ranger to heal her, he'll jump into his sword. Make sure the Princess is in the party-- when Red Ranger fires the Breaker Beam, you will absolutely need to Group Hug. Just keep pounding on the Ranger until he's done for. SMITHY'S HELPERS There are dozens of mini-bosses in Bowser's Keep and the Factory, but none of them are really that threatening. Look out for the machine the Ninja made that you fight before Smithy-- he knows the Breaker Beam, so be ready! SMITHY THE SWORD Take out the left eye first. Then, if you want some assurance, kill the right eye, too. But, if you want to make a faster kill, kill the left eye, and then go for the hilt of the sword. (Don't even bother with the mouth.) The eye will revive itself, and when it does, you will need to smack it again. You cannot damage the hilt without destroying the left eye. SMITHY FORM 2 The grandpa smithy is no real threat-- Mario, Bowser, and Princess should do him in. First, destroy the face on the left wall. If Smithy builds something, kill it first, and then destroy the face. After that goes, just give it to Smithy... he won't last long. SMITHY FORM 3 First, nail the head a few times, just to get him to change to a less threatening form.. either the Iron Box or the Chest Head. Then, work on his body. When he complains about not being able to move, start fighting his head. He'll change forms many times, but eventually he'll eat dust. Magic is not too useful, unless it is fairly developed. Mario should absolutely attack at all times. ROCK CANDY and RED ESSENCE could come in handy. When SMITHY is a tank head, look out for his instant death move! JINX Round 1- Fairly easy. Jinx just kind of lags on you. Use some basic attacks with any party to do him in. Round 2- Jinx will now use some complicated moves, like triple kick and silver bullet. Have the princess around for this. Also have a supply of Pick Me Ups for when the Princess gets killed. Concentrate on physical attacks. Bowser might be a good one to have along. Round 3- Pull all the stops. The Lazy Shells could help with this one. Jinx will open up with a bomb attack that will most likely kill off the target. Bring him/her back, and then nail Jinx. He will power up twice before he finally becomes convinced that you are stronger. Don't be disappointed if you can't beat him at first-- you'll need a fair amount of experience for this guy. CULEX Don't bite off more than you can chew-- this guy is worse than Smithy. You'll almost HAVE to have the lazy shells to work this guy through. Once you get the Lazy Shells, equip them on Mario. He will be nearly invincible to magic, and formidable against physical attacks, too. Then, when you get into battle, just concentrate on Culex. If your allies fall, don't bother. In a matter of time, Culex will fall, and the Crystals will run out of Magic. You can finish it now quite easily. If you want to speed things up, bring your allies back after the Crystals run out of magic. Chapter 3 There are many hidden chests in this world-- I managed to find most of them. Here they are, in a nice, compact list. BANDIT'S WAY 1 CHEST When you get to the place with a whole bunch of dogs, use the yellow step to get to the other side. Then, get on the rotating flower, and launch yourself at the blue flower. MUSHROOM KINGDOM 2 CHESTS When you first come into the Palace with Toad, jump on his head while he is in the main entrance, and jump off of his head. There will be a hidden chest there. In the basement of the shop, a man will show you how to find hidden chests. ROSE TOWN 3 CHESTS One in the item shop in a corner. Another in the same item shop, by going down the chimney. (You can easily climb your way up.) And, one by jumping off beds in the house of that guy who you helped get in his house! FOREST MAZE 6 CHESTS Right when you enter, there is a chest hidden in the southern part of the screen. At the first tree stump, check the upper left corner. In the first seven tump area, check the first stump to the right. Under one of the light patches is a hidden chest. On the second stump to the left, when you get to the first seven stump area, there is a chest in an odd corner. When you hit it, it says, "You missed." ??? In the last stump, at the top left corner is another chest! At the save spot, there is a divet in the path of trees. Check around in there for one of the great and might RED ESSENCES! PIPE VAULT 1 CHEST One is in the same room with the Frog Coin that you must run and duck to get. YOSTERS ISLAND 1 CHEST In the first screen with the save point, jump over the save point and take a lookie. BOOSTER'S PASS ? CHESTS In the first leg off the pass, jump on one of the bushes on the left and jump up. Where is the other one? It's on the same screen... BOOSTER'S TOWER 5 CHESTS In the room with the Thwomp, go to the top floor, and check to the right most point. When you enter the room with the parachuting Snifits, go directly to the left end of the platform and jump around. In the same room with the snifits, check out the narrow cranny that you cannot see into. In the last save point before booster, check out the bottom right corner. In the same room, climb the steps. Jump on top of the existing chest, and jump up from there. The rare GOODIE BAG!!! MARRYMORE 1 CHEST In the normal hotel room, jump of the bottom left corner counter to find another chest! SUNKEN SHIP 1 CHEST In the room with Mario's Mirror Image in it, jump around near the center of the room. You'll hit a box that will show the chest. To get to this chest, you must jump on your mirror's head. LAND'S END 3 CHESTS In the first screen, some tricky cannon play will win you this chest. In the second screen, you must find the hidden yellow block on the second floor of the plateau. After you find your way up there, a hidden and normal chest await! In the same room as the Cricket Jam, check out the right corner of the jagged edge on the left side of the room. BEAN VALLEY 3 CHESTS When you first come in and make it through the first set of pipes, check out the left corner. When you get to the Gardener Shy Guy, fight your way down the first pipe to the right. The the right of that spring is a chest! Fight your way into the first chest to the left. To the left of the real chest is another hidden chest. NIMBUS LAND 3 CHESTS In the room with the two weird floors, jump on top of the visible chest and jump up. In the room with three doors, check out next to the left birdcage. In a room deep inside the palace, you will hear your ring ding. In this room, you can walk off the map and into the black. You do this on the lowest floor of the room, and you walk off to the south. FACTORY 1 CHEST Left corner in the same room with the save spot. That's 33 chests, although the monster tells me I found 35!! (I'm just not aware of some things, am I?) Where are the last ones? Please! Drop me a line! Chapter 4 There are many hidden and worthwhile items in Mario RPG. Here's a run down of some of the best. Accessories AMULET- Get this clever little gadget by NOT getting caught by Booster in the tower. Raises Magic Offense and Defense.. but you'll smell really bad. SAFETY RING- Hidden in the sunken ship. In the room with the bloober and children, there is a stack of barrels. Squeeze your way behind these barrels to get to a hidden door behind them. This will protect you against ALL ailments. SAFETY BADGE- Found by defeating a trap chest in the Sunken Ship. Also protects against ALL ailments. B'TUB RING & MYSTERY EGG- The Mystery Egg is bought from the rare items dealer in Moleville. When the princess is equipped with the Bathtub ring, which is bought in Marrymore, use the egg many times. After many attempts, it will turn into Lamb's Lure. Use this, and it will change other enemies into sheep, destroying them. Use this enough times, and it'll turn into a super lamb's lure. When you use this, it will obliterate nearly all enemies you encounter! However, you retain no experience or coins. QUARTZ CHARM- A real doozy. This sucker doubles your attack power! (Without altering your stats.) You win it from Culex. JINX BELT- Won by beating Jinx three times. Really ups the attack power. GHOST MEDAL- If you want someone attacking alot, give them this. Their defense will be higher if they are more aggressive. EXPERIENCE BOOSTER- Can be bought from the Frog in Seaside. This will double the experience for one person equipped with it, ala' experience egg. Really a gem. COIN TRICK- Also bought from the frog in seaside. This will double the amount of money you earn.. if equipped with Mario. Not all that useful. SCROOGE RING- If you like magic, this is your accessory! Cuts the Flower Points you use in half, ala' Gold Hairpin! Also bought from the Frog in seaside. SIGNAL RING- After beating Valentina, go to one of the building on the east side of Nimbus Land. Croco will be there, and in his rush, he will drop this valuable ring. If someone in your immediate party is wearing the ring, it will make a tone if there is a hidden chest in the local area! FEATHER- Avoid getting discovered by Dodo, and you will be rewarded with his feather. Your speed will rise by a whooping 20! PERMANENT ITEMS GOODIE BAG- Found in a hidden chest in Booster Tower. You can use this during battle to get some extra coins. LUCKY JEWEL- Found in the rare items shop in Moleville. It will give you an automatic LUCKY, just like a bonus flower, if used in battle. MYSTERY EGG- Check the Bathtub Ring in accessories. SEE YA- Bought from the frog in seaside. Gets you out of a battle. EARLIER TIMES- Bought from the frog in seaside. Starts a battle over. RARE ITEMS KEROKOLA- A favorite in many circles, this will refill every allies' HP and FP. YOSHI COOKIE- Throw it in the air, and Yoshi will (attempt to) eat the enemy of your choice! Usually he'll give you Yoshi Candy back... usually... there are a handful of exceptions to this rule. For instance, if you eat a Muku Muku, you get a Muku Cookie back. This leads to some interesting speculation... Yoshi cookies are also used on the Race Track, so be sure to save some! (Read Below) FRIGHT BOMB- The explosion of this will send terror into the hearts of opponents, cutting their offense and defense by half. FIRE BOMB- A useful item when you're low on FP, this will create a huge explosion which will damage opponents. ICE BOMB- The opposite of FIRE BOMB. ROCK CANDY- Imagine a more powerful Fire Bomb that spews a shower of stars... RED ESSENCE- Druel baby! The enemies can't TOUCH YOU for three round after using this. Best Weapons/Armor (So Far) All the best armors, except for the Lazy Shell, are bought from Croco after defeating the MagiKoopa in Bowser's Keep. Croco is in the LEFT door! The best weapons for Geno (STAR GUN), Bowser(DRILL CLAW), and Mallow(SONIC CYMBALS) are found by completing several doors in Bowser's Keep. The Princess's Frying Pan is bought from the Rare Items dealer in Moleville. The Lazy Shell is, of course, found by climbing the vine grown by the gardener in Rose Town. Chapter 5 Yeah, that's right. It's a SQUARE game, so there are plenty of surprises. I've already mentioned the big ones above. Now, I'd like to dig deeper, and open you up to some of the harder to find and possibly more useful ones! You can score yourself 10 frog coins by jumping into the mountain at the Donut Lift event at Land's End. When you get in there, you'll find some Cricket Jam? Do you remember who got the Cricket Pie? Take it back to Frogfucious, man! Try searching to the right of the princess's bed when you first enter the Mushroom Kingdom. You'll find the 'Princess's ???' Her grandmother will quickly take it back from you. Come back again with the princess, and she will become quite infuriated. Wonder what it is... Can't wait for the Soprano Card to buy KeroCola? Drop by the suite in Marrymore. For 250 coins, you can get KeroCola by room service! Although it may sound like a waste of money, stay at the Suite in Marrymore many times. For every few anniversaries, the head clerk will give you prizes, most of them flower tabs/jars. Treat the bellhop nice, too, and you'll get more than you bargained for! After beating Valentina, climb Booster's Tower. Believe it or not, BOOSTER is trying to get away from a woman!!! Before beating Land's End, go to the guest room in the Mushroom Kingdom. Bounty Hunters GALORE! In this game, like none other, go back and talk to people. People change their stories more often in this game than any other game I know.. and most of the time, it is just for laughs! You can also meet Link at one point in the game at the hotel in Rose Town! Remember Raz and Rani? Track em down! Follow them to the Yo'sters Island. If you want to get ahead of the game, here's the place to do it. Team up with Yoshi and win a STOCKPILE of cookies. In the western part of the island is a baby yoshi. Feed it until it gets.. fat. Whenever you feed it more than 10 cookies after that, it will drop valuable items, like bombs and candy. The more cookies you feed it at one time, the better the item. Push past the 20 mark, and you could find yourself going home with RED ESSENCE! When getting the brooch, shoes, flowers, and crown, there are three different endings to the wedding you can get. The best if a kiss from the princess... but only if you're fast! The second, a snuggle with a peeved Bowser. This is what you get if you just weren't fast enough. And lastly, a sickening team up by Bowser and Booster... you gotta be a TURTLE to get this one! If you don't have any use for the Casino, you can pawn of your Bright Card! Talk to one of the men in the bottom floor of the Suite in Marrymore. He will at first offer you 100 coins. Turn him down. Then he will offer you frog coins. Turn him down. When he offers you 10 frog coins, take it! This could be the way to go for those who aren't turned on by the Blackjack or Slot Machine. Remember the guy who you helped get into his house in Rose Town? Well, steal his treasure. If you do, you will get two flowers. If you don't, you'll only get a handful of coins. Just fess up to the whole thing after you do it, and he won't mind terribly. The guy in Rose Town he tells you the way to the treasure is a telling the truth.. if you look at it from Mario's perspective. If you enter the forest, and from Mario's point of view, go left, then left, then straight, then right, you will find the treasure. If you try it from your point of view, the correct path to the treasure will be left, down, down, left. Check back to Star Hill periodically. It will sometimes yield new wishes, some in the form of tips. (Frogfucios's wish, for one.) Luigi did make it into the game! He gets a wish on Star Hill, and he leads the parade! I just hope he gets a role alongside his brother for the upcoming Super Mario RPG 2!!! I miss Luigi.. he got kind of screwd in the last few Mario games. (Mario World 2, Mario Clash, and Mario RPG, for starters.) When the Mushroom Kingdom is being attacked by the Shysters, kill all the ones in town. You will be promptly rewarded with money, flower tabs, and flower jars. When you get into the Palace when the Shysters are attacking, kill the one that is chasing toad IMMEDIATELY. Toad will then run into the room in the left. Follow him, and save him again. Follow him after that, and save him again. After all this, he will reward you. When the Shysters are still attacking, make sure to check out the Vault and Guest Room for free stuff. If you trade the Shiny Stone for a Carbo Cookie and feed it to the girl, she will run off. You can jump in her bucket for a free ride down the Midas River. Not quite worth 500 coins, I'm afraid. If you feed her another Carbo Cookie, she'll give you a Frog Coin. 1000 coins is asking a bit much, even for a frog coin. The best place to get Frog Coins? If you find yourself a gambling man, horde the Grate Guy casino blackjack table. If you're better on the thumbs, head for the Donut Lift event. Complete the Expert Course three times in a row to get four frog coins. This can be done several times. At the Goomba Stomping game at the Pipe Vault, play several times. You will be rewarded with gradually increasing items. Flower tab, jar, and... FROG COINS! There are two timing action' sequences in this game. The first in Booster Tower, when you must hide from Booster in the curtains. The second in Nimbus Land, where you must dodge Dodo's beak. If you perform these correctly, you will skip a fight, and then get yourself a fair item in the trade! Go through all six doors at Bowser's Keep. Not only are they all EXTREMELY fun to play, (I found this to be my favorite part of the whole game!) but the rewards at the end of each are definitely worth the effort. There is more to the Midas River Course than meets the eye. You see those black things in the middle of the waterfall? THOSE ARE CAVES! If you fall into them, you'll be taken to a subroute that will lead you somewhere else. Explore these caves-- they could earn you two frog coins and a flower! But wrong turns will cost you some normal coins. Make sure you get that key in Monstro Town and bribe ole Belome with it. Good treasure awaits! There are a lot of nooks and crannies in Johnny's Ship. There is a wall of crates in a room with three Dry Bones in it. Work your way behind their and through a hidden door. There is also a stack of underwater barrels in another area. Get behind those and through the hidden door! In the same area as the barrels, you can swim across the surface and to the top left corner. FROG COIN! Have Bowser in the immediate party when you enter Bowser's Keep. He'll scare many of the baddies away! Need cash? If you've already made it through Bowser's Keep, you can always visit the MagiKoopa's gold box. Warning: Lots of money takes lots of time. Here's some useful doubles to magic! - If you use a timed double with Geno Whirl, you will hurt normal enemies 9,999! BONUS! - If you use a timed double with Geno Boost, the targest will gain offense AND defense! - Straightforward attack spells like thunderbolt and crusher all have timed doubles that are indictated by a bright flash. These help make the spells much more useful. - Use the double on Pyschopath.. you can read your enemies' MINDS! This is the most open and explorative game ever created. There are many, MANY things you can do. Try playing preacher at Raz and Rani's wedding! Try jumping on that one girl's head who keeps running around in circles in the Mushroom Kingdom! In the first item shop where Mallow was supposed to go, try walking on the shelves! Return to places and familiar places and see what they think of what you've done. Ever tried saying NO' to some people? There are many things to be done! Don't let them go to waste! END OF FAQ Well, what did you think? It's my first FAQ ever. Of course, as you can see, it's not totally complete yet. I'm counting on you, the readers, to help me notice what I've missed. Send me questions, comments, and critizisms so I can begin work on the updated version. You can contact me at JippyKid@aol.com Special thanks to all those gamesters in the Gamewiz and Nintendo MARIO RPG folders who helped me find some of the less obvious things. Even a more special thanks to the folks at Nintendo and Square for making one of the most charming combination of forces ever. It's nice to know that, in the age of polygon starved, Full Motion Video driven maniacs, we can still pull such a whismical game that has the highest marks in gameplay, not in graphics. THIS is why I'm sticking with Nintendo!