/ Emulation Saves \ - Nintendo -
Dragon Warrior 4
From | Description | File Type | Justin | This is an assortment of saves for DW4 that are all near the end. Zenith Castle + .sav and .sta files 0-9. It's a little over a meg in size, but if your looking for saves near the end, this is it. :) | Assorted |
Final Fantasy 1
From | Description | File Type | Adam N. | This save has two fighters, and a white and black mage at around level 11 or 12. They are at Melmond with LV5 spells. | SAV |
Fittje | Everyone is at level 50 and everyone has a masmune and a ribbon. They also have level 8 magic. (Obviously gotten by cheating :)) And they are at Chaos. | STA |
Final Fantasy 3
From | Description | File Type |
Colleen | This save is right at the entrance to the Crystal Tower. | SAV | |